Sunday, April 20, 2008
oh dear..
everytime u wanna talk to me.. u make sure i stay in one place
here i am..
i'm listening
numerous stuff floating ard my head
i cant move now.. so i can finally think while staying put in one place
- thinking hard
- really hard
oh lo lo lo lo lo
closet emo my foot..
my foot =(
ben drooled at 1:03 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
What a beautiful morning..
hais i'm getting fat =( no more junk food for me.. i'm gonna start eating wholesome stuff and gonna start going back to ahem ahem**
quoting someone . . . " i like songs about dragons " HAHA
ya ya makes u feel like going to battle... i feel tt way every time i take the plunge..
will upload some photos next time.. i wanna go back to sleep
ben drooled at 4:56 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
oo lala.. its been a long time since i wrote anything.
Oh well i've been busy with exams.. got the most interesting grades ever.. abcd f ... nonsense. lor
due to being so busy.. i'll onli blog when i have sth to say. heh. like anyone eva comes here in the first place
recent days have been stormy.. zhiwei is getting fat.. buay tahan.. i need more secret training.
we shd learn to give up n forget..
no meat eat veggie also can. .. well, that is'n really the point.
right now hearing the solo of " i'm alive " its a really 'cheong chiong chong" kinda solo
wish could say the same abt certain issues.. ( my speed aint really tt cheong)
This calls for wisdom, this calls for understanding, this calls for intellect
the scent grows faint. i can barely sense it. Can u?
Sound the hunters horn , the hunt is on
my prey will never see again the light of day
my hunter brethen remembers the scent. Do u?
over the highest mountain.. across the endless seas.
there goes my riddle can YOU solve it?
speaking in benjably
ah huh.. ho hum ah den..
- wif regards to my sup paper
till i think of more stuff to blog..
cya arounds
ben drooled at 9:21 AM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Suddenly in the depths of the night I feel a strange urge to jump in the pool to swim. Argh I miss my job. Too much matters to attend to= no time to work. Adding to the fact I’m fast becoming a poor guy. Faint memories of my quest for gold reside in my mind. If I am ever going to complete this quest, I seriously need the capital.
For close to a month now, I have been hunting a certain animal. My prey is an elusive creature. Some might call it an alluring and delicate creature.
Looking back the past years, I think of the people around me. How they have changed one way or the other. Different interests ideas. Heh ... big deal. In the end, life goes on.
The globe continues to spin on its axis. Gone are the days I used to wonder if the sun would rise tomorrow
I shall always remember that scent
^ tt din really make sense…. Owell.. as someone I noe would say…
‘go figure’
ben drooled at 9:03 AM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Sian. Month of Jan- Feb. So much things coming up... hais.. alrights lets organise the events in chronological order
1.Bus stats test on monday( i have no idea wads going on)
2.Pyschologly project meetinig on monday(after stats test b4 trainingg)
3.Swim Training
4.Running training on wednesday
4.Sumation of Psycho project (due on thursday)
5.Sumation of Org Beh Project( due on friday)
6.Sumation of Macro Econs project( due on friday)
7.Accounting test (on friday)
9.HOPERS retreat( friday-saturday)
10. Time trial @ ecp (sat b4 service)
11. summation of mkt project ( i still have no idea wads going on)
12.End of year exams
13. HELLOWEEN concert( if it clashes wif my final year exams.. well tt would really suck.. but i'm still going to headbang at the concert)
HAIS if i missed out any event... then WHOOPS...argh i need some time to breathe in b4 i dive into this mountain of stuff.. ok lah if hu eva sees this n has a bigger mountain of junk piled up on their desk.. then u win lah... ( tis mountain is good enough for me )
3 in the morning... i should really be getting some shut eye. But with the thought of having to face soooooo much nonsense tml.. i rather not sleep...
On a lighter & more relaxed note..
... yeaps... looking forward to a great time of headbanging...
in the mean time... time to slog it out.. I've faced greater struggles & fought against near impossible odds... everytime i manage to emerge victorious..
Whats stopping me this time?
on a side note... to those hu asked me to link u... sry lah i really have no idea how.. gimi more time as i figure tis situation out.. hehe
ben drooled at 10:38 AM
Monday, January 7, 2008
Being bugged left right & center with intangible stuff kinda sucks...
I think i just have too many matters and commitments to attend and to excel in everyone of them.. When i solve issue A i got to deal with problem B then i gotta work on hobby C and then followed by commitment E,F,G. I want this i want that. wah sian sia.. btw, to passerbys 1-5 i'm not talking abt u guys =) i got better stuff to talk about=) Like clowns who owe me money and their own sweet time to pay...(not onli u feizai)
Well i dun think anyone hu reads the above post can figure out wad i'm refering to..
Go figure..
hais my quest for gold has been put to a standstill.. gotta wait till may now.....
People ask me. Why do u want to waste money to change your hardware to gold?
well my answer is simple. well u can go ask a stamp collector why he collects stamps.. the answer may be slightly different but the idea is there. HAH
last night i was discussing Psychological theories over msn..
about how widely discussed the statement
'if a black man was raised in a society together with the white men would his IQ be similar to theirs?'
Firstly its quite the discrimination there.. tsk. ok lah u may argue that they used to be slaves
But keyword here is 'USED'
Oh well.. but they refused to believe that they had been set free.. dumb rite? well the same applies to a certain group of people..
-back to the black men n white men.... tralalalala
if a cat had been raised by a family of dogs.. then tt cat would surely start behaving like a dog..
however if a cat had been raised by an eagle.. no matter how hard it tries... it will nvr be able to fly..- so again.. i guess thats why tt statement is so... hmm.. neither here nor there anyhow anyhow also can....
how much sleep do i need?
many, many, much
ben drooled at 7:21 AM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
ahhhh 2008
Woah its 2008 liaos..
i'm not getting any younger. yesh philly it is me.. i am ben ben...

hais someone shd feed back to worship team that i want my name in roster to be spelt as 'Benjamin Ng' n not as 'Ben Ng'
hmm =( actually put my chinese name i also dun mind haha
its been a great year wif many ups n downs..
wonder what 2008 has in store for me..
For a start i want to get back to running. I have taken too long a break.
Too all my friends n peers hu read tis blog... ' i honestly cant rmb hu noes i have tis little space here'
really sorry abt not really preparing much stuff for u guys tis christmas.. i noe u noe tt we shdn expect anything from each other n therefore dun really expect anything from me. but anyhows, christmas is abt Gods greatest gift to earth, His Son.. so therefore we can say Christmas is abt giving... soooo the point here is tt.. i mean i wanna give u guys stuff too mah.. but jus no time n energy to prepare much cards n such.. so if i left any of u out, i'm truely sorry...
n mel if u see this.. can u tell me wad are the albums u wanted again? yar i'll go get it if i happen to pass by a music shop haha =)
Sigh i dunnoe if my GOOD FRIEND got wad i wanted from the states....cause she din reply my sms...ARGHH i seriously hope she did .....
its new year...
my sec 4,5 friends are now jc year 1 or enjoying life my bro n his gang are now sec 4.. my j1 friends are now j2. but i'm still poly year 1... hed..
Cluster pic... ( the 2 guys in white arnt angels.. dun be mistaken .. their just aaron n waldy..HAHA)
ben drooled at 7:09 AM