Tuesday, January 1, 2008
ahhhh 2008

Woah its 2008 liaos..

i'm not getting any younger. yesh philly it is me.. i am ben ben...

hais someone shd feed back to worship team that i want my name in roster to be spelt as 'Benjamin Ng' n not as 'Ben Ng'

hmm =( actually put my chinese name i also dun mind haha

its been a great year wif many ups n downs..

wonder what 2008 has in store for me..

For a start i want to get back to running. I have taken too long a break.


Too all my friends n peers hu read tis blog... ' i honestly cant rmb hu noes i have tis little space here'

really sorry abt not really preparing much stuff for u guys tis christmas.. i noe u noe tt we shdn expect anything from each other n therefore dun really expect anything from me. but anyhows, christmas is abt Gods greatest gift to earth, His Son.. so therefore we can say Christmas is abt giving... soooo the point here is tt.. i mean i wanna give u guys stuff too mah.. but jus no time n energy to prepare much cards n such.. so if i left any of u out, i'm truely sorry...

n mel if u see this.. can u tell me wad are the albums u wanted again? yar i'll go get it if i happen to pass by a music shop haha =)

Sigh i dunnoe if my GOOD FRIEND got wad i wanted from the states....cause she din reply my sms...ARGHH i seriously hope she did .....

its new year...

my sec 4,5 friends are now jc year 1 or enjoying life my bro n his gang are now sec 4.. my j1 friends are now j2. but i'm still poly year 1... hed..
Cluster pic... ( the 2 guys in white arnt angels.. dun be mistaken .. their just aaron n waldy..HAHA)

ben drooled at 7:09 AM


I am Ng Zhi Wei Benjamin and I am 17 years old this year.

October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 April 2008

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